Workshop on Approximation and Online Algorithms 2013 - Accepted papers
Oded Lachish, Alexandru Popa and Trevor Fenner. Min-Sum $2$-Paths Problems Ofer Neiman. Low Dimensional Embeddings of Doubling Metrics Yuichi Asahiro, Jesper Jansson, Eiji Miyano and Hirotaka Ono. Degree-Constrained Graph Orientation: Maximum Satisfaction and Minimum Violation Nicolas Boria, Federico Della Croce and Vangelis Paschos. On the Max Min Vertex Cover problem Ulrich Pferschy and Joachim Schauer. Approximating the Quadratic Knapsack Problem on Special Graph Classes Rémi Watrigant, Marin Bougeret and Rodolphe Giroudeau. Approximating the Sparsest k-Subgraph in Chordal Graphs Jaroslaw Byrka, Shanfei Li and Bartosz Rybicki. Improved approximation algorithm for $k$-level UFL (with penalties), a simplistic view on randomizing the scaling parameter Erika Coelho, Mitre Dourado and Rudini Sampaio. Inapproximability results for graph convexity parameters Hemant Tyagi and Bernd Gartner. Continuum armed bandit problem of few variables in high dimensions Anna Adamaszek, Rob van Stee, Marc P. Renault and Adi Rosen. Reordering Buffer Management with Advice