Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics 2013
The Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics (WABI), established in 2001, is one of the major annual conferences on algorithms in bioinformatics. WABI 2013 will be part of ALGO 2013, hosted by Inria and Campus SophiaTech, in Sophia Antipolis, France. WABI is sponsored by the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science (EATCS), and the International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB).
For scientific information, please contact
Aaron Darling, (aarondarling at ucdavis dot edu) or
Jens Stoye, (jens.stoye at uni-bielefeld dot de).
For organizational information, please refer to the
website of ALGO 2013.
All research in algorithmic work in bioinformatics, computational biology and systems biology. The emphasis is mainly on discrete algorithms and machine-learning methods that address important problems in molecular biology, that are founded on sound models, that are computationally efficient, and that have been implemented and tested in simulations and on real datasets. The goal is to present recent research results, including significant work-in-progress, and to identify and explore directions of future research.
Original research papers (including significant work-in-progress) or state-of-the-art surveys are solicited in all aspects of algorithms in bioinformatics, computational biology and systems biology - including, but not limited to:
- Exact and approximate algorithms for sequence analysis, gene and signal recognition, alignment and assembly, molecular evolution, structure determination or prediction, gene expression, molecular pathways and network, proteomics, functional and comparative genomics, and drug design.
- Methods, software, and dataset repositories for development and testing of such algorithms and their underlying models, as well as high-performance computing approaches to computationally hard learning and optimization problems.
- Novel approaches to analyzing and modeling next-generation sequence data, including sequence assembly, population genomics, metagenomics, metatranscriptomics and ncRNA sequencing.
Important dates
- Submission deadline: Friday 17 May, 2013.
(Update of manuscripts submitted before the deadline will be possible until Monday, May 20.)
- Author notification: Friday 14 June, 2013.
- Final version due: Monday 24 June, 2013.
- Poster Submission Deadline: Thursday 15 August, 2013.
- Notification of Acceptance: Wednesday 21 August, 2013.
- Workshop: 02-04 September, 2013
The WABI proceedings will be published in the Lecture Notes in Computer
Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics series by Springer-Verlag.
Keynote speaker
Previous meetings
WABI 2012: Ljubljana, Slowenia
WABI 2011: Saarbrücken, Germany
WABI 2010: Liverpool, U.K.
WABI 2009: Philadelphia, PA, USA
WABI 2008: Karlsruhe, Germany
WABI 2007: Philadelphia, PA, USA
WABI 2006: Zurich, Switzerland
WABI 2005: Mallorca, Spain
WABI 2004: Bergen, Norway
WABI 2003: Budapest, Hungary
WABI 2002: Rome, Italy
WABI 2001: Aarhus, Denmark